Retro then War years
Crackin' news for Kal's Kats - we've been invited to play at Retrofestival 2017 on the Newark Spitfire stage lineup from 11am to 1.30pm...

cash and dash
It always amazes me with the dynamics of folks within a band, especially with respect to set up and pack away. there are essentially...

burning the wick at both ends
Well well, The Kalamazoo Dance Band returned to Wicksteed Park for yet another Blitz ball - and what a night that was, some seriously...
get some satisfaction
The Kalamazoo Dance Band played last weekend at the Oakleigh Lodge Nottingham - hosted by Terry. This guy (wheelchair bound following a...
Kalamazoo Rehearsearoo
Blimey, it can be soul destroying at times - you get new arrangements and hope they'll sound great and of course some do, but the issue...

Kalamazoo Dance Band swinging back to Wicksteed Park
Coming up the weekend, we will be heading back to Wicksteed Park in Northampton - a lovely venue and we'll be there again later in the...

Playing at 40's events
I've played in big bands and smaller bands since the late 80's and have always been very mindful of what is required to make for a great...

Dancing with Karen - dancing with The Kalamazoo Dance Band
We recently played a lovely ballroom dance for Karen Bailey (Dance Teacher) at Willington Chimneys - a fantastic afternoon vintage tea...

Big Band Dance at Spennymoor Town Hall
What a superb night for Gary and Sue Richardson who invited The Kalamazoo Dance Band to travel up and play a night of Dancing for...